MUHINDO BIENFAIT while visiting the organization ELIKIA – DRC met three members: Delphin, Eddy and Josephine who were discussing about the vision and mission of it.
In his intention, Bienfait remembered his recollection and painful experiences of his life. The latter started to release his feeling of fear, sadness and anxiety. He felt to be welcomed and embrassed with God’s love so that he might reach to the emotional relieve of his trauma.
MUHINDO has decided to make his life the better it can.
Since 2016, he found out the means to empower his emotional strength, his relations and confidence to gain new skills.
Glory to the Lord for the team ELIKIA – DRC which in no way has considered MUHINDO Bienfait to be ill or bad because of his stress or traumatic experiences that he lived.
Thanks to God, through ELIKIA – DRC, MUHINDO Bienfait has learnt that people who are more effective in life are there who desire to confront their challenges and learn new things. ELIKIA – DRC congratulates MUHINDO Bienfait for his courage to overcome his challenges, to learn new ways for self – help, help friends, his family and today helps all the community is a peace leader of ELIKIA – DRC.