Since the years 2015, ELIKIA – DRC seeks to assist children descended from war to better understand their experience and have knowledge, skills and courage to overcome their own challenges.
When ELIKIA – DRC uses the curriculum of:
- Baby found grace (of Lyn westman)
- Empower program (of Benson ocen)
- Understanding people’s Mental Health and Trauma (of Lyn westman)
- Promoting Peace
It has been demonstrated in the North – Kivu province (Goma, Masisi, Beni, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo) that these programmes are so effective and educational to bring a changed life of our children.
More than 10.000 children affected by war wait for a change, recovery and hope to identify themselves with their capacities to change not only this country but also the worldwide to be a peaceful space where everyone feel at ease and calm. ELIKIA – DRC has a great challenge to raise; we can join to form one only body. Together we can.